Santander Bay
ideas ...
- Echo the coastal code on your social networks and dedicate a section to the code on the town hall website , it is particularly interesting to include a mention in sections related to tourism or sports in the bay area.
- Put up panels with the most important sections of the coastal code in relation to the space and users of a specific area.
- Mark or delimit those areas that deserve special protection or that they are still well preserved to guarantee their conservation.
- Include the most important aspects of the code in the maps distributed by the tourist office of the town hall to its visitors.
- Participate in dissemination campaigns with messages from the code (such as, for example, advertisement in the written medium or ad or video with short messages)
- Advertise as a City Council adhered to and committed to the coastal code of the bay.
-Promote voluntary cleaning campaigns around the bay with citizens or local associations at least once a year.
- Promote information campaigns on the richness of the habitats that exist in the municipality and the need to preserve them, associated with the use of the code.
- Make sure that in all busy areas there are garbage available with division according to the waste for recycling. Indicate in the garbage collection area the importance of not contaminating a selective collection by depositing the waste that does not correspond to it.
- Include in the regular publications of the city council a section with one or some tips of the coastal code.
- Put a message like "the bay begins here" in the municipal sewers.
- Promote a contest at the municipal level or with the schools on biodiversity within the municipality to raise awareness about the ecological value of the municipality.
- Follow up with measurements in those areas where some action related to the code is carried out. What pathogens are found in the water?
- Promote an information campaign among the establishments of the municipality (especially the tourist establishments and those of companies that operate in the area) to invite them to be part of the code to inform their users of its existence.
- Encourage companies in your municipality to adhere to the coastal code with some type of "identification" or "incentive".